Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why DD Works Better

Most people have three main rules for domestic discipline that involve dangerous, disrespectful, or disobedient behavior. Some question whether a woman needs a domestic discipline relationship in order to correct any behavior. Let's take dangerous behavior as an example today. One great example of an extremely dangerous behavior is texting while driving, or any touching of a cellphone while driving other than to simply answer an incoming call. In my state, texting while driving is certainly illegal, and I believe reading an email or - heaven forbid - writing an email would be illegal as well. After all, it doesn't matter which app you use. Touching and looking at a phone while driving is just plain dangerous.

Well, it is clear that a person who touches a phone while driving is trying to get away with something. I know this behavior is illegal, yet I have done it - even recently. Why would I do something that could kill me or earn me an expensive ticket? I do it because I can (usually) get away with it. So far I have ALWAYS gotten away with it. When I am tempted to use my phone while driving, there is only a small voice that says, "You really shouldn't do this....". Sometimes that voice wins out, but often my desire to do something with my phone wins out.

Should I text and drive? Here are the reasons against it:

(1) I might get in an accident. If today I text while driving and I don't get an accident, I got away with it! Whew! I was lucky - again - but I clearly got something for what seems to be nothing.

(2) I might get a ticket. But today I texted while driving and didn't get a ticket, so I got away with it! Yay!!

Those two main reasons apply to everyone. In this system, there very few real negative consequences to behavior. In fact, I've never been in an accident or gotten a ticket for texting  while driving. What do you think that is teaching me??

Now, let's say I am in a Domestic Discipline relationship. There is an additional, very compelling reason for me to never, ever text while driving. Here it is:

(3) If today I texted while driving, I would be obligated to tell my boyfriend that I did it as soon as I speak to him. It doesn't matter whether he saw me or whether someone tells him (like a cop). I have to face him and tell him that I did something very dangerous. I am simply not going to get away with this. No matter what, I am going to get a spanking. How often will I break the "dangerous" rule if I get an intermediate or advanced spanking for doing it? (It could be any kind of serious spanking. These are just two well-defined examples. See the LearningDD website for descriptions.)  I can't have a spanking like that every day, so I'm guessing that after one, I definitely would not do misbehave the next day. Or the day after that. I am thinking the effect would be fairly long-lasting. I think I would learn not to text while driving at all after only one or two serious spankings. Certainly, I wouldn't do it more than  a few times a year. How could I? These spankings are truly excruciating.

If you think about it this way, you will see that Dd is a much safer and more consistent way to change a person's behavior than just "knowing" it is dangerous or having the threat of economic penalties (i.e., getting a ticket).

From talking to coworkers, it seems that as more socially connected creatures, women seem to be more tempted to text while driving then men are. Men certainly seem to look at their phones for less time. In any event, my next post will explain how Dd changes the man's behavior to make him less likely to text while driving.

(Note: I use men as the HoH and women as the one receiving the punishments because that's how my life is. If yours is different, you will have to change the pronouns and other references.)

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