Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Valentine's Belt

I bought M a casual leather belt for Valentine's Day. (Actually, I bought him two because the second one was 50% off.) I liked the idea of giving him a leather belt for Valentine's Day because (1) he needs one, and (2) he may eventually spank me with it. It gave me a little thrill to think, "He may spank me with this thing" as I mulled the selections at the store. A belt is a very personal gift, and I liked that for a Valentine's Day gift.

We gave each other accessories for V Day. I knew he was going to give me earrings because I sent him a link with appropriate selections to help him out. (He needs a little help with gift ideas and doesn't mind such obvious hints.) After I had sent him the link, I decided to get him some sort of clothing accessory, too. The belt was the perfect idea. His gift to me will make me prettier - and all girls love that. My gift to him will make him manlier - and I love that, too!

I just love the idea that one day he will order me to my room and say, "Pants down", as he rips the belt from its loops. He presses on my lower back after he quickly folds the belt. "Stay still now." Then, ten to twenty fast spanks across my bottom as punishment for some minor infraction.

Mmmmm... a girl can dream, can't she?

1 comment:

  1. Here's my two true accounts
